The financial intricacies of divorce can be daunting for all involved. Our divorce financial analysts will ensure that the settlement decisions you make will be fully educated and informed. Don't leave your financial future to chance.
The financial intricacies of divorce can be daunting for all involved. Our divorce financial analysts will ensure that the settlement decisions you make will be fully educated and informed. Don't leave your financial future to chance.
You agree that the best thing is to end your marriage and move on. You’re reasonable and can sit at a table together and discuss the situation. You want to avoid a costly court battle. Perhaps you really don’t even need a mediator. However, despite the fact that you are amicable, you have been married a long time and just don’t know where to start. You and your partner need financial guidance during your divorce in order to separate the finances fairly.
You might have investments, retirement accounts, pensions, businesses, expenses, rental properties, etc. How in the world do you structure a property settlement that is fair and won’t get you into tax trouble? It’s possible that some creativity could save both of you taxes so you both get to keep more of your own money. Would you like to be able to see in black and white how a settlement would impact your futures?
You have come to the right place.
Working with couples as a divorce financial planner to help you come up with that win-win settlement is our favorite way to work. Get all those questions answered and more. Let us provide you with a kinder, gentler, more affordable divorce solution.
Your divorce is final! Now some of the real work begins. Your accounts need to be renamed, transferred or closed, property re-titled or sold, wills redone, budgets put in place, etc. It can be very overwhelming! Let us help you with planning next steps after your divorce in order be sure you don’t miss anything important so you can begin the next phase of your life with confidence and control.
We’ll work with you as long as necessary to ensure that ALL of the terms of your settlement agreement are completed and you get the assets you’re entitled to.
Welcome to your new beginning! Your divorce has provided you with the opportunity to start over again. Maybe you are finding yourself debt free for the first time in a long time or you haven’t had to handle household finances alone for many years. Maybe you just want to form some new and better financial habits this time around.
We can help you identify and pursue your financial goals. Whether you need help with simply planning a budget or you want to move through some money blocks that stopped you in the past, we can help you reach clarity.
Services include:
Getting Financially Organized
Identifying Financial Goals
Setting Action Steps
Setting Budge Structure
Help with Overcoming Obstacles